Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Three Cheers for a Post about Unrelated Topics!

So this will probably be the most eclectic post I have ever written. That was a struggle, to write the whole word probably. Those who know my apartment in any context knows that the majority of us suffer from extreme-abbreviation-disorder. It's a condition...

What is the first random thing I should tell you guys about... Hm... Welp, here goes: We went to Walmart today! Huzzah! I needed to get me some nutritious sustenance, so that is how we found ourselves there. The best part of the trip though was looking at the paint chips/color swatches/thing-a-ma-whats-its while Mateja was getting electrical tape. I want to know who in the world names those colors, and how I land myself a job like THAT! I mean, seriously?! Their entire purpose in life is to sit at a conference table, stare at a new color and throw random words together that are vaguely, if not distantly, related to each other. My personal favorite - wait for it - "Innocent Spring Fawn". Really?! "Hmm, this particular hue reminds me of a small, innocent fawn on a spring morning, drowsily wiping sleep from its eyes... An Innocent Spring Fawn" "Brilliant! We'll draw up the form to change the name first thing in the morning. George, you're a genius." "Well, thank you kindly, but really, they just come to me! It's a gift." That's exactly how it goes down, how much you want to bet... I would go to college to grow up to be that guy. I would probably need to major in Poetry or something with an emphasis in Rhetoric, and minor in Painting. Yep. I just decided my life's course after a trip to Walmart. It could happen, right?

Probs not.

Probably not.

Probably not-ably.

Moving on.

Speaking of moving! Yesterday, the five of us went and signed our contracts for our apartment for next semester! We are such mature adults, it astounds me... In all seriousness though, I really am quite proud of us. We investigated, compared, listed pros and cons, toured and asked all the right questions so that we could figure out where we are going to be next  year. Unfortunately Kim won't be with us though because she is going on a study abroad and it would be too difficult to try and sell her contract halfway through the year. So even though we know where we are going to be, we don't know who will be with us. We are leaving it up to chance though, and hopefully that will work in our favor. It happened last time, and look where we are now! We'll be living in the Lodges at Glenwood, which I hope is nice... It looks nice! But that was the showcase room... They offer FREE hot chocolate every day though! And when the pool is open, there is always free food being grilled and stuff. How could a place NOT be great with perks like FREE FOOD. I'm going to say it again. Free. Food. Yeah. It'll be worth it haha

Also yesterday (why didn't I blog about this stuff yesterday? Who do I think I am, slacking...), was the indexing party which, pretty much everyone reading this went to or was aware of. It was fun, no? I thought it was, but I like indexing. Good thing it is my calling! :) For the activity, I downloaded this batch that said it was intermediate instead of beginner because I was feeling adventurous (Adventure is our there! Kuh-Kaw, Rawr!) and when I opened it, it was typed. Typed! I had never seen that before. And I says to myself, I says to myself "Why didn't you do intermediate before?!", until I started typing them up and realized that there was a bazillion names. And they all looked the same so I kept getting lost and putting the wrong info in and yadda-yadda yadda. It turned into a three person ordeal with me typing, Austin reading them to me and Greg checking to make sure Austin was reading the right line (because he got lost multiple times. It was a struggle.) We decided that I had better get a bunch of points for that batch because it was going to take me a decade to finish. Once we got on the topic of points though, we began wondering what in the world the points were even for. I mean, seriously.. What are we earning points for? Are they righteous dude points? Because I'm down with that... Are they points to get into the Celestial Kingdom? Because if that is the case, I need to get crack-a-lackin. We finally landed upon the idea that the church gives whoever has the most points a Ferrari. I'll be expecting mine soon, seeing as I finished that monstrous batch this morning. Boo-ya.

This is becoming far too long. I would just like to end with this youtube video that completely encompasses everything that I want to be when I grow up. Except the paint-chip-namer aspect. Well actually, that could be this guy's second job, right? So scratch that. This video really does encompass everything my future self could ever hope to be. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, one day you and I will be as great as him. We whale!
