Tuesday, April 17, 2012


We are almost there! Finals are almost over. I only have two more and then I'm completely done with my freshman year! It's kind of hard to stay focused though. I'm working 30 hours this week and I'm finding it hard to find time to study. Clearly I'm not a hufflepuff. On top of that, my roommate is moving out today and so I feel like I should be moving too! The doors are open, people are coming in and out, just like pack-up day has been all my life. So why am I here and why aren't I done with my finals and why are people leaving me! But it's alright. It will be my turn soon, even though I'm not sure I want my turn. This place has become very special for me, with so many memories and so many great things I don't want to let go. This year has been one of the greatest in my whole life and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be here.

But let's stay focused for now and we can get gushy later when I don't need to remember the difference between paraphyletic, polyphyletic and monophyletic groups, vestigial, analogous and homologous structures, helicase, ligase, DNA polymerase and ATP synthase and the rest of all of everything that ever lived and is considered "Biology".

We can do this! Remember, we are bound for great things. And even if we don't get the grades that we want necessarily, it is the knowledge that we gained, not the letter we received, that's important. And if you are feeling sad, down-trodden, or all around depressed, feel free to check out my tumblr: vintagepiano.tumblr.com. I post everything that makes me smile or laugh and whenever I need a break or a good laugh, I go and look through it. It works every time. Promise.

Good luck you guys! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

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