Saturday, June 2, 2012

Busy day, man!

There is a ton going on today, holy cow! Let's start from the very beginning.

This morning I had an eye exam because, lo and behold, I need glasses. I knew that I needed some sort of something for a while now... I think I was in England when I had that epiphany, in some metro station. I was really tired and frustrated, to the point that I started crying because I couldn't read any of the signs...

But that's another story.

So this morning my gramma and I go to Sam's Club to "get my eyes" as she says. I had to look into a bunch of gadgets and gizmos, read a bunch of letters, focus on a hot air balloon, endure having air blown into my eye without blinking, say whether 1 or 2 is more in focus, and then 2 or 3, back and forth, yes or no, up or down, have this ridiculously bright light shine in my eyes for a full minute to the point where I was sure my retina was permanently burned and I would be blind for life, only to be told "you need glasses". Thank you for that information doctor! You're a keeper. No, he was very nice and very good at his job. He told me that I was going to need a special kind of contact (I'm also getting contacts, forgot to mention that) because of have goofy astigmatism which is "extremely uncommon".

But get this - I get a free trial pair! That's right, they are going to send me a free pair of contacts to try out before I pay for them to see if I even actually want them! I sound like an infomertial... "Come in for an eye exam today and we'll throw in a bonus pair of trial contacts absolutely free!" So whenever those come in, I can go in and he'll teach me how to put them in without gauging my eyes out and whatnot, so that will be pleasant! Half an hour of poking myself in the eye is my dream come true hahaha I'm really glad that I'm getting contacts though because if I had to wear glasses every day, I would not be a happy camper I don't think.

Which leads to the part of the story where Amanda, the young lass at a tender age of 18 having to pick out her first pair of glasses and having self esteem issues. I didn't like any of them, I thought they all looked awful! I think it's because I didn't want them so I didn't like the very idea of them, let alone any style of that idea. Anything that went on my face automatically looked worse than it did just sitting there on the rack. My gramma helped me pick out a pair though and the ones that she finally decided on (I say she because really she and the sales lady picked them while I stood there awkwardly nodding and saying "yeah" occasionally) she said were "stunning". I'll have to take her word for it till I get used to them because right now I'm not a big fan. They are better than any other ones that I put on though! So there's that.

After that lovely experience, we went up to the outlet shops in Park City and did some shopping. I had some money to spend on some clothes for school and my gramma wanted to look around so away we went. Recently I have discovered that I have an issue with spending money. Almost nothing is worth the money. School is really the only thing that I don't begrudge paying for. Clothes, fun stuff, even food sometimes is just not worth it and I can talk myself out of buying almost anything. So this whole buying clothes thing was hard for me because I couldn't say that I loved anything enough to actually buy it. But I did finally find some stuff that my gramma convinced me was actually worth it and I really love all of it, so I'm glad she did.

And now tonight, I get to see my lovely Kimberly!! I'm so excited :D I haven't seen her in what feels like ages, even though it's only been a month and a half or so. We are going to see Snow White and the Huntsman. I hope it's good because it looks kind of scary and Kristin Stewart is in it... Kim said I could hold her hand if I got scared though, so I think I'll be safe ;) I'll let you know how it is. If it's awful, you'll be sure to know so you can avoid it!

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