Thursday, June 7, 2012

I'm awful!

I haven't blogged in three whole days!! What have I been doing?! I mean, honestly, where did the time go?

I'll tell you.

Monday night and Tuesday night, both, I was at the theatre with my grandparents attending the dress rehearsals for The Sound of Music. Let me tell you, it is going to be really great! There was still some stuff to smooth out and some set pieces that need to be finished, but I see a lot of potential! Monday night was a little painful, but then they had notes that night, fixed some stuff, put more stuff together, and then Tuesday night it was much better! Maybe that was due to the fact that it was the other cast...? I don't know, but either way, it was a lot better and I'm excited to see what they have done since then! Last night was opening night (which I didn't go to. Three nights in a row at the theatre is a little excessive, don't you think??). But I'm going to see the show with Greg on Saturday. Imagine how much better they are going to be by then!

I'm taking Greg because he has never been to an actual theatre before (I know you are reading this Greg, and I hope you are picking up on the incredulity that is dripping from my words here! Never been to the theatre, you deprived child...). I find it so sad that people have never seen a theatre performance before! I mean, maybe it's just me and my musical theatre obsession, but I don't know how people do it! How do they go through their lives without having that joy and that theatrical element!? It's wonderful! People keep telling me that I shouldn't be so mortified when I meet people who have never been to the theatre because there are quite a few people like that. I just tell them that I will educate those people one at a time if I have to, gosh darn it!

Then last night I was at an unbirthday party for the Young Women in my gramma's ward, helping them do that melted crayon art that I did with Kayla a while ago. It was FREEZING, but the art turned out really well, so I'm happy for them :)

And that's what I've been doing for the last couple of days, instead of blogging. It's no excuse, but it's an explanation!

In other news, my contacts have already come in! I'm going to pick them up Saturday morning with my grampa. I haven't decided if I am going to start wearing them that day or wait for my glasses because once I start wearing them, I can't stop. Right now, my brain is correcting everything I see because, with my astigmatism, everything should look completely wonky. Once I get my glasses, they will do the correcting and my brain will stop, so I'll never be able to go without them again. I think I will hold off wearing my contacts till my glasses get here, it will just make everything a smoother transition.

(Speaking of contacts, mom, Gramma is waiting for your response to her email about them.)

Speaking of glasses, there is an update. Remember how I said I didn't like my glasses but I would get used to them? Well my gramma decided she wanted to cancel the order because she felt bad for choosing them for me. And now, I am getting perscription nerd glasses.

That's right! For those who know me well, you know that is totally my personality. I feel completely myself in them, rather than myself trying to be someone else, like I felt in the other glasses I was going to get. I haven't decided which pair I'm going to get, but these are my options. I already ordered the frames and when they get here I will go get lenses put in them :) I just can't decide if I want brown (they are supposed to be brown but they look gray in they picture haha)

or black

It all depends on how they fit really. I like them both equally I think! I just like the personality they come with. It's just very... me! And for how often I actually plan on wearing my glasses, they are way more affordable :)

And now you're all caught up!


  1. I never got an email from Grandma about the contacts...

  2. You lived in ITALY and you never went to a professional soccer game? I don't think I am the deprived one here :P
