Monday, June 11, 2012

It is Monday

Monday, Monday, Monday...

Probably the worst day of the week.

No definitely the worst day. Maybe tied with Tuesdays, those are awful.

But you know, today was not an absolutely horrendous day! It was actually pretty good. Compared to how some of my weekend went, it wasn't too shabby!

On Saturday, I got my contacts. Unfortunately, no one at the eye place told me that I should only wear them for a couple hours and then take them out because they made me sick. And I mean sick. Thanks a lot eye lady! I was up at 3:30 puking up my guts. I haven't thrown up in years, I forgot how completely atrocious an experience it is. And then my stomach hurt for the rest of the weekend. I felt nauseous, I didn't want to eat, I didn't want to, I just wanted to sleep all day. I'm pathetic! It wasn't even that bad... haha

But as the days went on, my eyes started getting used to it and now I can't even feel them in! They don't bother me. My eyes are freaking out though and it takes so much more effort to focus than it used to. Sometimes, when I'm trying to look at just one thing in particular, I feel cross-eyed. I have to consciously  choose to focus my eyes, which is an odd sensation. But that's getting better too. People around me probably think that I'm an epileptic, or have a twitch in my eye or something, I don't know, because I keep having to do weird things with my eyes when they are acting out and I look ridiculous, I'm sure hahaha But ah well, everything comes with a price I suppose!

In other news, I received a manual this Sunday and I teach Gospel Doctrine next week. I'm not freaking out as much as I think I should be... I wasn't even apprehensive when he asked me if I would do it. I think I needed these couple weeks to let it sink in that I was going to be teaching, and now I'm totally on board. I have been having thoughts frequently that I know are not completely my own, reminding me of experiences or skills/talents of mine that I have always wanted to share or develop, and how now I will have the opportunity to! This is going to be an excellent experience for me, and I'll probably learn and grow more than the class does, but isn't that how it always works??

I started preparing my lesson today and I am super pumped to share it. I hope they get as much out of it as I am! It all depends on whether I can be as eloquent in front of all those people as I can be in front of my mirror. I am an excellent teacher when my entire audience is comprised of myself and my toothbrush, let me tell you. We'll see how that translates to real people ;)

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