Sunday, July 1, 2012


Laughing is pretty much my favorite thing in whole world, let's be honest. Laughter, true laughter, that comes from the bottom of your stomach and just bubbles over is one of the most honest things that will ever come out of a human being's mouth, I believe. When I laugh, for a moment I'm in a completely different place, frozen in a time of pure happiness. It sounds ridiculous, but seriously, that's  how I feel. Things are brighter, life is better (not that it's really all that bad before!), everything gains more value. There must be some chemical reaction inside that causes all of this to happen, or maybe I'm just crazy... Either way, it's wonderful!

 Luckily for me, almost everything makes me laugh! There is just something about laughing that makes me feel... complete. And so I am always looking for something in every situation that will make me laugh, something positive, some sort of silver lining. And I can almost always find one! I've discovered it is a secret talent of mine! And it is one that I am grateful for every day. 

With this in mind, it makes sense that I love to surround myself with people who make me laugh. I'm so blessed to be in a family where we laugh all the time. Some of my fondest memories of home were car trips and dinner time, where we just laughed together! My roommates and I laugh aaaaalllll the time. The days where we would just lay on the floor, or the couch or in someone's bed and just laugh till we cried were my favorite days. I love laughing. LOVE it.

And for the record, I will marry someone who can make me laugh. He doesn't have to be able to sing, even though that would be awesome. He doesn't have to love theatre, though he will be converted by the time I'm done with him. But he does have to make me laugh. If we can't laugh together, there is no way on this earth we are going to work out. 

If there is only one thing that I can make sure I do for the rest of my life, it would be to laugh. I wish I could sing till the day I die, but I know that is not possible. But I know I can laugh forever. And, gosh dang it, I will be laughing on my death bed. 

It's worth it. 

I would encourage everyone to laugh, whenever you can!

 Laugh when you are young.

Laugh when you are old. 

Laugh when you are with a camel. 

Just laugh, all the time. It heals wounds, it lifts the spirit, it brings joy. What other reasons do you need?! If you do need some more convincing:

Yo, I'm gonna be immortal at this rate!

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